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Best Upcoming Theater Events

Best Upcoming Theater Events

Jan 02, 2018 Dr Kristina Nelson

If you’re looking for some great theater events happening this January, we’ve got a nice list to help you out. Depending on where you might be, you may want to consider checking out some of these great shows to spice up your evening entertainment. So, take a look at some of the theater events we’d recommend, and happy viewing!

An Iliad: Main Street Theater—Rice Village. Houston, TX.

From January 4th until January 14th, this forty-minute musical will play on Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays starting at 7:30, and on Sundays starting at 3PM. This musical recreates the story of Homer’s Iliad, and takes us back to the Trojan War and the days of cruel violence and battle. The musical composition for the story is written by Patrick Neil Doyle, and the musical promises to deliver an outstanding performance. For more information about this musical, please visit their website here.

Improv for Alzheimer's/Dementia Caregivers: Moody Family YMCA Park Cities. Dallas, TX.

At 12PM until 4PM on January 13th at the Moody Family YMCA Park Cities, caregivers for Alzheimer’s and Dementia patients can meet with other caregivers and explore improv techniques. Presented by the Stomping Ground Comedy Theater, this comedy group believes that most caregivers have characteristics like courage, flexibility, trust, and generosity, which are also qualities that great improve performers have. This class will allow caregivers to meet up, learn about improv, and have a bit of fun interacting and socializing with each other.

Beautiful—The Carole King Musical: Cadillac Palace Theatre. Chicago.

From now until January 28th, you’ll get the opportunity to see one of the most popular shows in Chicago, called “Beautiful—The Carole King Musical” at the Cadillac Palace Theater. You’ll get to see a musical based on the life of Carole King, and how she battled and worked to achieve her success in the music business. For more information on this event, please visit their website here.

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