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{{ email }}

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Proworks case study
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ProxyWorks Career Connections

ProxyWorks Career Connections is a group of educators, counselors, and employment specialists who provide the best in career readiness, exploration, placement and coaching to professionals in the field of community based services.

Problem Statement

ProxyWorks Career Connections were seeking an all-in-one platform for their event marketing, management, registration and paid training. For their business critical training, they needed a reliable solution with strong customer service which was important for the success of their trainings. ProxyWorks Career Connections also wanted to highlight speakers and partners involved in their event programming and needed customizable landing pages for their programs.


Eventcombo offered a complete end-to-end event management solution to ProxyWorks Career Connections that included customized landing pages, curated registration experience, several paid training options via a robust ticketing solution and unlimited email marketing and updates to its students and professional community.

  • Complex ticketing solution with multiple tiers for paid training packages
  • A foolproof, secure, and smooth online ticketing process
  • Implementing customized payment options
  • Showcasing a large volume of trainings/events for a growing community of professionals
  • A complete in-person management solution
  • Email marketing & communications


ProxyWorks Career Connections has hosted countless trainings and has grown through Eventcombo’s solution as a result of the professional interface and experience along with high touch customer service allowing its professional auidence to receive optimium trainings.

Turnkey Technology

  • Customized ticketing & registration
  • Customized event pages
  • Tiered ticketing for multiple experiences
  • Event management
  • Event support
  • Email communications
  • Email Marketing
  • Customized Payment solutions

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