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Don’t Miss The MLK Tribute: Ask Your Mamma

Don’t Miss The MLK Tribute: Ask Your Mamma

Jan 02, 2018 Dr Kristina Nelson

If you are looking for a great Martin Luther King Tribute to attend in Chicago this year, then the MLK Tribute, Ask Your Mamma, makes an excellent show to witness. Ask Your Mamma was, includes words written by Langston Hughes in 1960 combined with contemporary modern entertainment, and offers an excellent show based on the themes enacted by Martin Luther King. You have two dates to see this show, on January 14 at the Pfeiffer Concert Hall, and on January 15th at the Symphony Center.

Celebrate MLK

Ask Your Mamma is an exciting tribute opportunity, and gives you the chance to celebrate the life and influence of Martin Luther King. Langston Hughes composed many the words present in this event back in 1960, and his words are amplified by some exciting entertainment that is included in. You’ll see opera, an orchestra, jazz vocals, the spoken word, and also hear archival audio samples. Plus, Ask Your Mamma marks the 30th anniversary of this MLK tribute concert, and its popularity has only increased over the years because of its fantastic presentation. This show is a Grammy award-winning performance, so you’ll get a chance to see a wonderful masterpiece.

Dates And Times

You have two dates available to you if you want to see this show. The dates are as follows:

  • Sunday, January 14th, 3PM at the Pfeiffer Concert Hall
  • Monday, January 15th, 7:30 PM at the Symphony Center

For more information on the MLK Tribute: Ask Your Mamma, please visit the event website found here.

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