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The Little Mermaid Gets Musical in LA

The Little Mermaid Gets Musical in LA

Nov 13, 2017 Dr Kristina Nelson

Disney’s classic story, The Little Mermaid, is a beloved tale that brings a love story that takes place below the depths of the sea to life, filled with imagination and magic. Watching this classic tale can make you feel like you are reliving your childhood, and there’s no reason not to enjoy the live presentation of The Little Mermaid taking place through December 6 at Hollywood’s Cupcake Studios.

Explore The Sea

The Cupcake Studios’ presentation of The Little Mermaid will take you and your family through a wonderful story, focusing on the main character Ariel, and her curiosity about life outside of the sea. Ariel’s fascination with humans often drives her crab friend Sebastian crazy, but when the audience realizes how serious Ariel is about achieving her dream of interacting with humans, her drive is impressive. After she falls in love with Prince Eric, she decides to trade in her fins for legs, but has to trade her voice to the sea witch Ursula so she can accomplish her goal.

Cupcake Studios bases its rendition of this wonderful story on both the Disney movie of the same name and the original Hans Christian Andersen fairytale. Cupcake studios also presents music by eight-time Academy Award winner Alan Menken. You’ll hear some of the famous beloved songs from the movie, like “Kiss the Girl,” and “Part of Your World.”


Tickets for most general admissions shows cost about $60 per ticket, with VIP tickets costing about $100 per show. For more information on The Cupcake Studios’ presentation of the Little Mermaid, please visit their website here.

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