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Experience The Taste Of Lower Manhattan

Experience The Taste Of Lower Manhattan

Nov 06, 2017 Dr Kristina Nelson

If you’re a foodie and can’t get enough of great local eats, then you won’t want to miss the Taste of Lower Manhattan happening in NYC on November 16th. The Taste of Lower Manhattan offers you the opportunity to socialize with other locals and try out some great food and drinks.

Sample Great Local Food

Come experience a bevy of excellent menu options and great beverages with other New Yorkers. You’ll get to relax and sample a wide variety of options. The food selections on hand have been prepared by some of the city’s most famous restaurants, including The Dead Rabbit, Jing Fong Restaurant, and Blue Ribbon Federal Grill and Shake Shack. Plus, Chef Wylie Dufresne, the owner and founder of Du’s Donut and cookbook author, will be the event’s host.

Plenty of excellent beverage choices will also be on hand, including beer, wine, and cocktails. You’ll also get to hear some excellent live entertainment throughout the night as live DJs keep spinning music for your enjoyment.

You’ll get to sample some of the best food you’ll find locally in NYC, while also seeing several well-known chefs serve up for guests their most famous dishes. Also present on hand will be Peter Poulakakos, Owner/Partner of HPH Hospitality, Saul Scherl, EVP of the Howard Hughes Corporation and Jessica Lappin, President of the Alliance for Downtown New York.

Tickets for The Taste of Lower Manhattan cost $65 per person for general admission. For more information on The Taste of Lower Manhattan, please visit their website here.

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