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NYC’s H.P. Lovecraft Festival Promises Scary Stories And Jam-Packed Fun

NYC’s H.P. Lovecraft Festival Promises Scary Stories And Jam-Packed Fun

Oct 09, 2017 Dr Kristina Nelson

If you want some old-fashioned Hollywood horror scares and entertainment this October, then you’ll want to check out the 9th Annual H.P. Lovecraft Festival, running from October 19th to November 5th at the Theatre at St. John’s in NY. St. John’s provides the perfect backdrop to the event, with its old-fashioned appeal and spooky shadows, always present in the night. Plus, you’ll get to experience historical Hollywood entertainment via some of the best yearly musical theatre performances you’ll ever experience.

Candlelight And Ambiance

The H.P. Lovecraft Festival will provide you with plenty of spooky ambiance from the moment you walk in to see the show, since it’s lit by candlelight and includes mist to create a great backdrop for the show. After you get the feeling for the entertainment, you’ll get to experience some of the players from the award-winning, critically-acclaimed Radiotheatre presenting some of the scariest stories we know.

H.P. Lovecraft’s Bone Chilling Stores

H.P. Lovecraft (1890-1937) is known as the Grandmaster of 20th Century American Horror, whose fictional horror stories rose to fame after he died. Even Stephen King recognized H.P. Lovecraft as one of the greatest horror writers of all time, and you can see Lovecraft’s scary tales live and upfront, filled with old Hollywood’s classic presentation of musical theatre.

The presentation of H.P. Lovecraft’s stories promises to be bone-chilling, filled with orchestral scores, sound effects, and some of the best players in musical theatre found on stage today. You’ll get your fill of scary creatures and horror, and witness the entire experience live.

For more information about the H.P. Lovecraft Festival, please visit their website here.

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