EventCombo's Networking Series for Event Organizers Launches in Jersey City
Jun 05, 2017 Tara Geigel
On Thursday, June 15, 2017 EventCombo launches the first of its national Event Organizer Networking Series.
The "How to Make More Money With Your Next Event" themed event will introduce new concepts for event organizers to leverage. Allowing them to take their events beyond the current offering of simply selling tickets.
The current event landscape has become pretty monotonous in terms of what an attendee gets to experience at an event. Similarly, the current state of event planning leaves a considerable amount of money on the table, money that an organizer can instead utilize to enhance their event or spend into other areas of their organization.
EventCombo sets out to challenge the status-quo and provide creative ideas to organizers, which will not just add value to events but also introduce new ways of increasing revenue.
With all of the dedication, hard work and time event organizers put into their events, it is time the rewards the organizers receive in return are greater than what is currently experienced.
By utilizing its state-of-the-art technology, EventCombo enables organizers to inject more opportunities for their attendees, in turn creating more profit generating opportunities.
Specifically speaking, the use of "special access" tickets, easy facilitation of offers like Uber, Lyft, Airbnb and ParkWhiz with ticketing and a host of other revolutionary, forward thinking ideas.
At its networking events, EventCombo will help organizers strategize and increase the scope of their event planning to achieve greater success.
To attend this jam packed session with valuable information please register at: