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Watercolor Workshop: Flowering Quince

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Learn expert watercolor techniques from artist and fellow gardener Marian Hirsch while you enjoy wine and snacks from our Cafe in the inspirational surroundings of our Gallery.

February brings us the winter landscape brightening of flowering quince. Their lovely range of coral, pink, and red blooms offers the watercolorist a subject for using the modern pigments of the quinacridones, and each student will receive a sampling of the colors to test. We'll explore these colors painting in a wet on wet technique, without doing a drawing first.

Each workshop covers a different concept and principle, and are limited to 14 students so that everyone receives the best in one-on-one instruction. New to our workshop or a beginner?Please arrive at 1:30 for a guided orientation to receive the New to Watercolor handouts with additional resources and tips to help you further your art.

NOTE: not all supplies are included. Please purchase your supplies (from the suggested basic list below) in advance of the classes. All your other supplies are included.

Supply List:

If you have watercolor experience – please bring what you usually work with or use this basic list as a guide:

  • Notebook and Pen
  • HB drawing pencil and kneaded eraser
  • Water receptacle – at least 16oz of water with a wide mouth (a 32oz yogurt container works well)
  • Masking Tape
  • Tissues
  • Spray Water Bottle
  • Stiff board – for drawing surface, at least 11 x 14 and waterproof. A Masonite panel works fine.
  • Brushes: Watercolor #10 & #6 rounds. If you are a beginner, synthetics are an economical choice.
  • Paper: Recommended: 9 x 12 Strathmore Series 300 Watercolor pad (this is great practice paper until you decide on the watercolor paper just right for you).
  • Watercolor palette: room for at least 10 or more paint sections, several larger mixing areas, and a lid.
  • Paint: Basic 5 color Set: 5ml or 14ml size tube paint in fine artist grade (not student). The 14ml size is the best value.
  • Winsor Yellow, Primary or Permanent Yellow
  • Ultramarine Blue
  • Antwerp Blue or Phthalo Blue
  • Winsor Red, Permanent Red, or Grumbacher Red
  • Permanent Rose or Quinacridone Rose

The total is approximately $100.00. These supplies will last through a great many painting sessions.

Please note: you may purchase additional pigments, but keep in mind that each have unique handling properties, and these will be taken into account during the lessons.

Asel Art Supply offers a student discount of 10%. Please print or show your Eventbrite ticket to receive your discount.


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