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Virtual Dream Café Presents: In Our Hearts: Anne Heaton, Katie Dahl, and Sue Fink In-the-Round

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Community. Communion between audience and performers. Inspiration, anticipation, spontaneity; SHARED transcendent moments. Do you miss these things?  I sure do!  The Virtual Dream Café (VDC) attempts to recreate this atmosphere, via Zoom, until live music venues are able to reopen.

Anne Heaton's lovely song, "Joy," has this chorus: "I feel joy in my heart/ Joy in my heart..."  Well, we three have joy in our hearts, and so much more!  Also, these three artists hail from the Heartland:  Anne Heaton (Milwaukee), Katie Dahl (Door County), and Sue Fink (Chicago).  We will gladly share with you what's "In Our Hearts," and by the end of the show, we will all feel joy in our hearts. (And so much more!)  

About the Performers:
  • Singer-songwriter and pianist Anne Heaton has captured audience imaginations for over fifteen years with her songs that are, by turns, "tender, barbed, and spiritual" (Washington Post). She's been featured by the New York Times Popcast, played numerous times on NPR, and shared the stage with artists such as Jewel, Sarah McLachlan and jazz drummer Max Roach.  Anne’s songs come from a deep reservoir of love.  In her seventh studio album, To the Light (2019), she surrenders to her love of collaboration more than ever before.  She views this project as “an invitation for us to connect to our essential joy and sense of celebration even when we are going through challenges, personally, in our communities, or globally.” 

  • Singer-songwriter and playwright Katie Dahl has performed her original songs everywhere from the dusty cliffs of Mali, to the winding canals of southern France, to the cedar forests of the American northwoods. Particularly well-respected on her home turf of Door County, WI, Katie tours regularly and has earned accolades nationwide for the depth and power of her alto voice, the literate candor of her songs, and the easy humor of her live performances. Karen Impola of Iowa Public Radio says, “Katie Dahl’s music combines a love for her rural midwestern roots, a droll wit, and a clear-eyed appraisal of modern life, all served up in a voice as rich as cream.” Katie’s latest album, Wildwood (2019) was recorded in Nashville and features Birds of Chicago’s JT Nero (producer) and Allison Russell (harmony vocals).

  • Chicago-based singer-songwriter Sue Fink enchants audiences with her whimsical perspective on the world, through her compelling songs and charming performances.  Her genre, “urban campfire cabaret,” is folk with a hint of jazz, a large dollop of humor, and a drop of sadness for good measure.  Her songs receive airplay locally and nationally, including "The Midnight Special" (WFMT) and "Folk Festival" (Lilli Kuzma, WDCB); most recently, her “Alternate Universe” song was included in Episode 691 of This American Life (NPR).

    Sue performs solo, as CatBird (duo with Jane Godfrey), and as SongSisters (trio with Amy Dixon-Kolar and Patti Shaffner).  As host of the Virtual Dream Café, Sue appears in the round with very talented performers whom she feels everyone should get to know. 

About the show format:

  • "In the round" means we each perform a song, one after another.  Performers are inspired by each other's songs, and spontaneity abounds!
  • This show runs from 7:30-8:30-ish pm (CST), approximately 1 hour... likely 3 to 4 rounds.  
  • "Doors open" at 7:15pm, so we can chat before the show begins.  (Zoom is an interactive environment, where performers and audience can see and hear each other!  Audience will be muted during the show, for sound clarity issues, but we can talk before and after the performance.)

  • This will be an intentional show:  we ask you to donate to reserve your seat, and then be present so we can share community.  The show will NOT be recorded for later viewing.  The intent is for us to share the magic together, in real time.
  • Your generous $donation goes directly to these artists.  Your donation also reserves your place in the "Zoom room," so to speak.  We look forward to sharing music, and community, with you!


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Virtual Dream Cafe

Virtual Dream Cafe

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