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Rooftop Pool Party! - W Midtown Atlanta

{{selectedVenueName}} Select a different venue? {{venue.VenueName}}

location_on {{selectedVenue.Address}}
schedule {{eventInfo.EventDateTimeInfoString}} Select a different date? {{date.Description}}
event favorite {{eventInfo.FavoriteCount}} thumb_up {{eventInfo.VoteCount}}

Join Triple Crown Group for a 21+ pool party in the clouds for a pool party Sunday August 6th at W Midtown!

Wear your favorite bathing suit or Sunday casual attire and dress to impress.

Meet some of the city’s best minds and bodies and have some fun at one of the most beautiful in town destinations!


- Wetdeck rooftop access

- Complimentary W towel access

- Sunscreen provided by White Girl Sunscreen

- Complimentary lounge chair seating (pending availability)

- Cash bar & food access

- Sunday sounds by one of Atlanta's best DJs

- Available tasty treats by Tito's Handmade Vodka

- VIP cabana upgrade option

DRINKS: Try an amazing Tito's vodka cocktail while you're on the pool deck! Try one of the W bartenders amazing concoctions or something from our full bar. Cash & credit / debits are accepted.

FOOD: A full food menu will be available! Order ala carte from the bar or get the royal treatment straight to your VIP cabana!

VIP CABANAS: Bottle service to our pool VIP cabanas are available for purchase for extended groups. Ask about pricing prior to ticket purchase by calling Josh Tracy at 404-205-8032 or email at

DRESS CODE: Trendy swimwear or casual brunch attire.

LOCATION: W Hotel Midtown is located off Peachtree & 14th Street in Midtown at 188 14th Street Atlanta, GA 30361 close to Establishment, 5Church, and Colony Square.

PARKING: Uber or Lyft is recommended but curbside valet is available.

RAINOUTS / REFUNDS: Worried about rain? Don't be! Your ticket will be valid for access to one of the 3 additional Triple Crown influencer pool parties happening throughout the summer! Must be 21+ to attend!

ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS?: Have an additional questions about the event? Email or call Josh Tracy Monday through Friday leading up to event at or 404-547-6744.

Tito's Handmade Vodka, White Girl Sunscreen, and Triple Crown Group on the W Midtown roof for a fun day in the sun!

RSVP NOW while tickets remain!


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{{speaker.Prefix}} {{speaker.FirstName}} {{speaker.LastName}}
{{speaker.FirstName}} {{speaker.LastName}}


{{ key == 'null' ? '' : key}}

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Triple Crown Group

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{{item.StartDate | date:'hh:mm a' }} - {{item.EndDate | date:'hh:mm a'}} {{item.TimeZoneName}}{{item.RoomName}}



{{sp.FirstName+' '}}{{sp.LastName}}
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{{eventInfo.TicketsTitle}} ({{eventInfo.RemainingTickets}} remain) Got Code?

Tickets are available for {{selectedVenue.VenueName}} for {{selectedDate.Description}}.
{{venue.VenueName}} {{date.Description}}

{{eventInfo.AccessPromoCode}}, code applied successfully.

{{ticket.SourcePriceText}} {{ticket.TypeName}} (+{{ticket.FeeText}} FEE)
{{ticket.VenueName}} {{ticket.StartDateFormatted}} {{ticket.DateInfoString1}}


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{{item}} event_seat Pick Seats
Sold OUT
{{ticket.SoldQuantity}} Registered {{ticket.RemainingQuantity}} Remaining
{{cartDealMap.dealoff}} {{cartDealMap.dealdetails}}
{{cartDealMap.dealdesbold}} {{cartDealMap.dealdessmall}}
thumb_up {{cartDealMap.dealthumbsup}}
Total: {{eventInfo.TotalPriceText}}


Bundle Your Order And Save ?

Buy together and save money! We have exclusive deals to make your event experience more convenient, cheaper and fun.

format_list_bulleted{{Dealbox.Text}} deals list


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