This is a great chance to learn how to order wine in a restaurant – something can get us all flustered. Learn the proper etiquette of tasting wines and glasses to be used. We will be using actual wine menus. We will also provide restaurant lists that have wine friendly prices and/or allow outside wines for a corkage fee.
We will taste six wines off those menus for comparison and we will have a bit of a nosh.
Get Ready for Restaurant Weeks! August 1 - September 4, 2017Several years ago restaurants in Houston joined together to get restaurant goers to come out of their air conditioned homes in the month of August to help support the Houston Food Bank.
No previous wine knowledge is required. No wine snobs or potential wine snobs allowed in class. This is a serious fun educational experience.
You must be 21 years old as of the date of the class to participate. There are no refunds. Contact Tamara Atkins at if you have specific questions or concerns. Otherwise, just show up and have fun!