In collaboration with the AYA Educational Institute and Georgia State University’s Department of African American Studies, the Auburn Avenue Research Library will host Educator Wekesa Madzimoyo, who will present: Injected Racial Scripts: Countering The Instructional Design of Racism and Anti-Blackness. Anchored by the pioneering research of noted Psychologist Dr. Robert Williams, and the educational research of Aubury Jack Guillebeaux, author of More is Caught Than is Taught. Wekesa Madzimoyo, will examine, both theories of racial scripting. Dr. Williams’ theory positions white racism and anti-blackness as deeply rooted learned behaviors established in early childhood, and based on a series of programmed stereotypes about Blackness and people of African descent. Guillebeaux introduced dual scripting across, what he called the "Superior/Inferior" line. Madzimoyo highlights the continued presence of what he terms “injected scripts”, and challenges the audience to acknowledge, confront and reverse their damaging effects.