Most experts agree on the timelessness of Dale Carnegie's principles, and numerous books and seminars currently offered in this genre stem from the core of his teachings. The nature of business may have changed dramatically, and continues to change... yet the basic principles of human interaction and workplace communication have, in essence, remained the same. Given the changes in today's world and business environment, the humanity of his teachings are more crucial now than ever before, and the ability to win friends and influence people in business is an increasingly important skill. In fact, there's a growing shift in the business world from a 'me first' attitude to a gentler environment of 'being nice'.
Based on the classic teachings from the book How to Win Friends and Influence People, this new 2-day seminar from Dale Carnegie Training will show you ways to achieve enlightened interpersonal effectiveness. You'll gain a holistic perspective by looking at what triggers you, and how your attitude affects communication in the workplace. You'll learn how to express your ideas in ways that are heard, and how to win friends and influence people in business, including managers, co-workers, peers, staff and clients.
By using tried and true Carnegie methods you'll discover how you can set an example to foster a kinder, gentler and open environment for communication in the workplace. Lead with deeds and words to gain commitment, and achieve your goals.