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Dig Boston Launch

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Dig Boston Launch

Dig – The Dog Person’s Dating App is officially launching Thursday, July 19th with an exclusive, dog-friendly event at WeWork Fort Point! Entry and drinks are FREE when you download or share the Dig app.

Join Dig - The Dog Person's Dating App for free beer, dog services, and treats for everyone!

Have your dog groomed by the creators of the Ridgeback before getting great photos taken by professional dog photographer Lauren Dobish.

Train your pup to walk down the aisle with the help of For The Love of Paws Wedding Planning Pet Services!

Win incredible Pet Krewe dog costumes! Learn new ways to spoil your pup from Red Dog Pet Resort & Spa. Meet the superstar volunteers behind Last Hope K9, and get kisses from the adoptable pups at the kissing booth!

What's your dog telling you about your date? Learn about your dog's body language from trainer Janet Vera!

Get your paws on a Lallypup pupcake! Free nail trims and safety tips for walking pups in the city from the ladies at WAGS Charleston! Watch incredible clicker dog-training demos by Gone To The Dogs.

Single? Let your dog find you a date with a new "my mom is hot" or "my dad is single" bandana from Just ADD Dogs! Get some doggy ice cream from the Elliot's House crew who are ready to pick your dog up for walking, boarding, grooming, and daycare!

Help people and pets through temporary fostering during times of crisis with PetsEmpower. Meet the Boston Dog Lawyers who will protect and defend responsible dog and pet owners around the country when their rights to keep and own a companion animal are being challenged. Check out a new way to adopt pets nationwide with Adopets.

Stop by the "ask the vet" booth to check in with HEAL Veterinary Clinic!

Pick up free giveaways & doggie bags and stop by the photo booth run by Boston For The Dogs!

Make your own bow ties for your pups with help from Curly Tail Ties!

Visit with PAALS, Inc., a brand-new not-for-profit aimed at helping other animal welfare non-profits fundraise and spread awareness - they'll be doing a doggy basket raffle, and all visitors can hear about their mission and volunteer opportunities, in exchange for a free doggy treat!

Try free slowly dehydrated dog treat Polkadog samples and enter the raffle to win a gift basket filled with Polkadog goodies!

Check out the handmade custom paper pet portraits by Bridget Reed.

Turn your old t-shirts into calming dog toys with the folks from The Urban Hound.

Non-reactive dogs and their well-behaved humans 21+ are invited and ENCOURAGED! Tickets are FREE!

WeWork is a global network of workspaces where companies grow together. Teams of any size can find refreshingly designed collaborative space, private offices, and meeting rooms that energize their employees and their guests. But WeWork is so much more than four walls—providing community, amenities, events, and technology to evolve space into experience.


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