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Dennis Warner

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St Tim's Coffeehouse presents
(a 6-concert series starting September 10, 2022 and finishing April 15, 2023)

DENNIS WARNER Saturday, November 12

Dennis Warner's musical career has taken him to all 50 states and beyond. Along the way, he's released 11 CDs, authored Beads on One String (now in its 7th printing) and performed in concert at the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington DC.

Early in 2020, Dennis was featured on the popular PBS TV show, Backroads. Produced by Lakeland Public Broadcasting, the sold out concert celebrated his original music and was syndicated throughout the PBS network. With his tour schedule on hold, Dennis released his 11th album, Pilot Me. Arguably his best work, Pilot Me  debuted on the FOLK DJ radio charts at #8 for the month of August. Remarkably, all 13 songs on the album received airplay, landing Dennis a coveted spot in the top 10 for Artists of the Month.

Warner is a two-time McKnight Foundation Artist Award winner and a three-time finalist for the prestigious Kerrville Folk Fest songwriting awards, co-founded by Peter Yarrow of the Peter, Paul and Mary.

Now in its 7th printing, Beads on One String evolved from one of his songs and led to the creation of The Beads on One String Project, an elementary school curriculum used as a meaningful and fun way to teach kids about the negative effects of bullying and the positive effects of recognizing our "connectiveness" with each other. In support of his book and curriculum project, Dennis is often a guest musician and speaker at schools, libraries, and Sunday morning gatherings.

His concerts blend serious, thought provoking songs with lighter, up-tempo material. Warner is noted for being an entertainer, bringing the audience into the performance with laughter and even a couple sing-alongs. A warm stage presence and ability to connect with his audience is the trademark of a Dennis Warner concert.

Though he calls Minnesota home, Warner loves to travel and tour. Dennis is personable and good-humored. When not working on his music, he can be found sailing, eating ice cream, or perhaps listening to a Minnesota Twins baseball game. On a good day, he's doing all three.

Proof of vaccination will be checked at the door. Masks are required during the concert.

Please note this concert will be available in-person at St Tim's Coffeehouse and virtual through a zoom link.

We hope you will join us on
after our Holiday Break
February 11, 2023 Robin + Jenny Bienemann
March 11, 2023 Jonas Friddle
April 15, 2023 Joe Jencks


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St Tim's Coffeehouse

St Tim's Coffeehouse

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