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Debut: A Fusion of Storytelling and Play July 2022

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Debut is a fusion of storytelling, story making, play, coaching, and community. Three professional storytellers will tell a story that they are debuting. This month, the talented storytellers are Loren Neimi, Michael D. McCarty, and Vicki Juditz.   The story they tell has never been told in public.

We believe that the first telling can be a wonderful and shared experience. The motto is "There is beauty in the beginning." This is the beginning of each tellers’ stories. However, it is told with the skill of a professional storyteller so it bound to be inviting


Then, Story Coach (Mediator) Dr. Kevin Cordi, author of Playing with Stories: Story Crafting for Writers, Teachers, and Other Imaginative Thinkers will lead these storytellers as they play with this new story.  Kevin will use proven playful practices and audience members will experience new ways they could work with their own stories.

A little bit about the tellers:


 Loren Neimi

 Loren Niemi began as a child fibber but soon decided that he was less interested in telling lies than he was in improving the truth.

He is beneath all else, an innovative storyteller creating, coaching/directing, performing, teaching and writing about stories that matter for audiences of all ages in urban and rural settings. It has been said that Loren tells the life he lives in both the oral and written with immediacy, poetic imagery and insight.

He is a published author and poet. His publications include: What Haunts Us (MoonFire Publishing) is a collection of non-traditional “ghost” stories and won the 2020 Midwest Book Awards. Other publications include the poetry chapbook, Coyote Flies Coach, the award winning The New Book of Plots and its companion Point of View and the Emotional Arc of Stories (both Parkhurst Brothers Publishers) which he co-authored with Nancy Donoval – both of which are focused on the structuring of oral and written narratives.

He is also co-authored with Elizabeth Ellis the critically acclaimed, Inviting the Wolf In: Thinking About Difficult Stories on the value and necessity of stories that are hard to hear and harder to tell. 

Michael D. McCarty

Michael D. “Mac” McCarty was born in 1950 in Chicago. As a young man, he attended St. Ignatius College Prep, where he started a Black Student Union and was subsequently expelled for his involvement in protests. In 1968, he joined the Black Panther Party as part of the education cadre. He left the party after the assassination of Fred Hampton. He joined the Army in 1972 to avoid being a target of the FBI. After leaving the military, he became an acupuncturist.

In 1992 he discovered the world of professional storytelling, and he has been telling stories and teaching storytelling around the country and around the world ever since. He specializes in stories of African and African-American history and culture, as well as multicultural stories. Since 2014 he has worked in California prisons as part of the Arts In Corrections program, teaching inmates to find, develop and tell their stories.

In 2019 McCarty was the subject of the award-winning film, "The Story of Michael D. McCarty: A Belonging in the USA Documentary" which shares the life journey of McCarty who even in the face of great obstacles spreads joy wherever he goes. The film follows Michael as he evolves from aspiring scientist to Black Panther Party member, from FBI target to soldier, from drug addict to health nut. The twists and turns of Michael’s life will fill you with hope, laughter and a living example of resilience.  ​

Vicki Juditz

Vicki Juditz has performed true personal stories at theaters and festivals across the country and beyond, including The National Storytelling Festival in Jonesborough, TN, the Playground Solo Performance Festival in San Francisco, and the Jewish Arts Festival of Hong Kong.  A frequent performer at The Moth, she was honored to have her story Dancing at Joe's featured on The Moth Radio Hour.  On TV, she has played comic roles on Everybody Loves Raymond, My Name is Earl and in countless commercials.

We hope people can join us for the novel event of performance and play. Ticket holders will be sent an email 3 hours prior to the event with login information.

The event is a fusion of storytelling and play. The attendees will have the honor of being the first audience of these tales. Proceeds from this event helps the event and the tellers.





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