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Youth Standing Strong Camp – Storytelling. Mentoring. Connecting.

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Youth Standing Strong Camp – Storytelling. Mentoring. Connecting.

Welcome to


Registration for Youth Tellers now open.


Now accepting applications for Mentors & Hosts.


(Times listed are US/Canada and UK; Youth tellers and mentors welcome from all countries.)

WEEK ONE: Monday, June 21 - Friday, June 25

Morning: 10:00am-11:30am EDT/9:00am-10:30 am CDT/8:00am-9:30am MDT/7:00am-8:30am PDT/3:00pm-4:30pm GMT REGISTRATION CLOSED 

Mid-: 2:00pm-3:30pm EDT/1:00pm-2:30pm CDT/12noon-1:30pm MDT/11:00am-12:30pm PDT/8:00am-9:30am HST/7:00pm-8:30pm GMT REGISTRATION CLOSED

Afternoon: 5:00pm-6:30pm EDT/4:00pm-5:30 pm CDT/3:00pm-4:30pm MDT/2:00pm-3:30pm PDT/11:00am-12:30pm HST REGISTRATION CLOSED


WEEK TWO: Monday, June 28 - Friday, July 2

Morning: 10:00am-11:30am EDT/9:00am-10:30 am CDT/8:00am-9:30am MDT/7:00am-8:30am PDT/3:00pm-4:30pm GMT REGISTRATION CLOSED

Mid-: 2:00pm-3:30pm EDT/1:00pm-2:30pm CDT/12noon-1:30pm MDT/11:00am-12:30pm PDT/8:00am-9:30am HST/7:00pm-8:30pm GMT REGISTRATION CLOSED

Afternoon: 5:00pm-6:30pm EDT/4:00pm-5:30 pm CDT/3:00pm-4:30pm MDT/2:00pm-3:30pm PDT/11:00am-12:30pm HST REGISTRATION CLOSED

WEEK THREE: Monday, August 2 - Friday, August 6

Morning: 10:00am-11:30am EDT/9:00am-10:30 am CDT/8:00am-9:30am MDT/7:00am-8:30am PDT/3:00pm-4:30pm GMT REGISTRATION CLOSED

Mid-: 2:00pm-3:30pm EDT/1:00pm-2:30pm CDT/12noon-1:30pm MDT/11:00am-12:30pm PDT/8:00am-9:30am HST/7:00pm-8:30pm GMT REGISTRATION OPEN 

Afternoon: 5:00pm-6:30pm EDT/4:00pm-5:30 pm CDT/3:00pm-4:30pm MDT/2:00pm-3:30pm PDT/11:00am-12:30pm HST REGISTRATION OPEN 


Camp meets in small groups of up to four mentors, four youth tellers, and one host, to gather and learn from each other. Sessions are 90-minutes daily including one hour 1:1 mentor to youth, with a group celebration and showcase on the final day of camp.

Youth Tellers Kids and teens first grade (age six) through seniors in high school. If you have an interest in storytelling or performing, or want to get better at public speaking or organizing your ideas in the form of a story, we are the camp for you! We have diverse and skilled mentors ready to be matched with you; all abilities welcome. Camp fee is $130 per youth teller per week. Early Bird price is $115 per youth teller per week. Each week runs independently, and youth are welcome to sign up for one or more weeks. If you are registering for more than one week or if you are registering more than one youth teller, be sure to choose the total number of weeks you would like to purchase on the registration form. 


Mentors - Experienced storytellers who have worked with youth. Mentors work in small groups and 1:1 with your student, helping them develop their own strengths and voice. Mentors receive a $100 stipend for the week.


Hosts - Storytellers who want to learn more about mentoring. Hosts run the meetings and the tech, and communicate with families, youth, and mentors in their group. Hosts receive a $75 stipend for the week.


Artists Standing Strong Together is committed to having all youth who wish to attend camp be able to do so.  If you can donate to help Youth Standing Strong Camp grow, please do so on the ASST website at


We look forward to seeing you at YSSC!


{{ key == 'null' ? '' : key}}

{{speaker.FirstName}} {{speaker.LastName}}


{{ key == 'null' ? '' : key}}

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