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Virtual event with Liesl Shurtliff, Amy Timberlake, and Sherri Duskey Rinker

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Anderson's Bookshops is proud to welcome a panel of amazing middle grade authors - two of them local to us! - for a great group event.  Liesl Shurtliff (Time Castaways #3: The Forbidden Lock), Amy Timberlake (Skunk & Badger), and Sherri Duskey Rinker (Revver the Speedway Squirrel)!  Liesl's new book is the last in the Time Castaways series, Amy's is a wonderful celebration of friendship illustrated by Jon Klassen, and Sherri's is her first middle grade novel.

While registration is required to attend this event, you can choose from a variety of ticket costs below.  Anderson's realizes that this is a challenging time for many families.  We are offering a variety of ticket options so that you can choose what is the best fit for you right now.  Every book ticket will include a signed copy of the book, and all donations will go towards supporting our independent small business and our employees.

All book purchases will receive a signed (bookplate) copy of the chosen book.

Please note that we can only ship to US addresses! 

More about the books:

Forbidden Lock 
In this action-packed conclusion to the Time Castaways series from Liesl Shurtliff, New York Times bestselling author of Rump, it’s up to the Hudson kids to defeat Captain Vincent once and for all. With magic, mystery, and adventure, this series is perfect for fans of Escape from Mr. Lemoncello’s Library and Percy Jackson.

Skunk & Badger
Wallace and Gromit meets Winnie-the-Pooh in a fresh take on a classic odd-couple friendship, from Newbery Honor author Amy Timberlake with full-color and black-and-white illustrations throughout by Caldecott Medalist Jon Klassen.

Revver the Speedway Squirrel
The author of the bestselling Goodnight, Goodnight, Construction Site picture books makes her middle grade debut in this utterly delightful, illustrated series perfect for fans of Beverly Cleary's The Mouse and the Motorcycle.

About the Authors:

Liesl Shurtliff is the New York Times bestselling author of Rump: The True Tale of Rumpelstiltskin, other books in the (Fairly) True Tales series, and the Time Castaways series, beginning with Time Castaways: The Mona Lisa Key. She was born and raised in Salt Lake City, Utah, the fifth of eight kids. She now lives in Chicago with her husband and four kids, where she writes full-time.

Amy Timberlake’s work has received a Newbery Honor, an Edgar Award, a Golden Kite Award, and the China Times Best Book Award. She grew up in Hudson, Wisconsin, but now calls Chicago home. She is a proud alumna of Mount Holyoke College, where she majored in history, and holds an MA in English/Creative Writing from the University of Illinois. You can find her walking on Chicago’s Lakefront Trail on cool, crisp fall days. 

Sherri Duskey Rinker is the author of #1 New York Times bestsellers Goodnight, Goodnight, Construction Site; Mighty, Mighty Construction Site; Construction Site on Christmas Night; and Steam Train, Dream Train. She loves cooking, gardening, and old oil paintings. Revver was inspired by Sherri's husband (who took her to watch sprint car racing on one of their first dates), her brilliant-but-impulsive oldest son, and her kart-racing, speed-obsessed youngest son.


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