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Putting “Power” into your Business Processes

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Luncheon Provided By

Dean Dorton Consulting Logo
Putting “Power” into your Business Processes Utilizing the Microsoft Power Platform, speakers Anna Cassaro and Greg Petrites will walk through an overview of moving business processes into modern automation. This presentation will include demonstration of a completed solution.
Card image

Anna Cassaro

Senior Consultant | Dean Dorton Data Analytics & Collaboration Consulting

See Profile

Anna has had the opportunity to work with a wide variety of technologies on projects ranging from software integrations to mobile applications. She has a BS in Finance from Xavier University, and has worked as a developer in the software consulting industry for many years. Anna specializes in .NET development, but has built quickly become a leading Microsoft PowerApps expert since joining Breakpoint in early 2019 and moving on to Dean Dorton in 2021.

Anna makes good use of her business background to help her understand the approach in developing custom solutions for her customers. She is very instrumental in creating an effective user experience and streamlining work processes to improve company workflows becoming the Power Platform expert within the Collaboration Consulting team.

Card image

Greg Petrites

Chief Architect | Dean Dorton Data Analytics & Collaboration Consulting

See Profile

Greg brings a wealth of software development experience focused on providing business solutions with secure and clean coding methodology; a strong focus in healthcare and finance, his customer list expanded many business verticals; with a Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science from Purdue University, Greg became a strong contributor within IT groups at GE, Humana, National Processing, and Kindred before joining Aspect Software (then Quilogy). Greg served as a Virtual Technology Specialist for Microsoft for SharePoint and led in the development of several frameworks, used as the basis for Aspect’s Collaboration Practice sales.

Greg was heavily involved in teaching and mentoring development teams, leading workshops with newer coding techniques and processes. As a founding partner, Greg took on the role as CTO for Breakpoint Technology to ensure that internally Breakpoint team focused on up to date and secure coding practices, customers being provided best technology approach for their needs. After the sale of Breakpoint Technology to Dean Dorton, Greg continued his lead technology role for the Data Analytics and Collaboration practice in that organization.


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