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{{eventInfo.CheckoutText}} {{eventInfo.CheckoutText}} Pick Seats

November + December 2024 Fitness Classes

{{selectedVenueName}} Select a different venue? {{venue.VenueName}}

location_on {{selectedVenue.Address}}
schedule {{eventInfo.EventDateTimeInfoString}} Select a different date? {{date.Description}}
event favorite {{eventInfo.FavoriteCount}} thumb_up {{eventInfo.VoteCount}}

Pilates, Cardio & Strength Training Classes - For Females Only

Class 1 Schedule: (Pilates and Strength & Cardio) $185 for 12 classes

Monday: 8:30 AM - 9:20 AM Pilates

Wednesday: 8:30 AM - 9:20 AM Strength & Cardio 

November 4 - Dec 11

Instructor: Ging & Fernanda

Class 2 Schedule: (Pilates and Strength & Cardio) $185 for 12 classes

Monday: 9:30 AM - 10:20 AM Pilates 

Wednesday: 9:30 AM - 10:20 AM Strength & Cardio

November 4 - Dec 11

Instructor: Ging & Fernanda

Class 3 Schedule: (Pilates and Strength & Cardio) $185 for 12 classes

Monday: 10:30 AM - 11:20 AM Pilates 

Wednesday: 10:30 AM - 11:20 AM Strength & Cardio

November 4 - Dec 11

Instructor: Ging & Fernanda

Class 4 Schedule: (Strength & Cardio only) $195 for 12 classes

Monday: 6:30 PM - 7:20 PM Strength & Cardio 

Wednesday: 6:30 - 7:20 PM Strength & Cardio

November 4 - Dec 11

Instructor: Ging

Class 5 Schedule (Fusion Fitness): $95 for 6 classes

Tuesday: 11:30 AM - 12:30 AM 

November 5 - December 10, 2024

Instructor: Sanober

Fusion Fitness  (Strength, Pilates, flow workout, Flexibility & Breathwork ) 

Class 6 Schedule (Beginners and Seniors Fitness Classes): $40, SOLD OUT/ FULL

Tuesday: 12:45 AM - 12:30 AM 

November 5 - December 10, 2024

Instructor: Sanober

Gentle Workout for beginners and seniors


Trainer: Georgiene (Ging) Ignacio

Specializes in Personal Training

  • Strength & Cardio Trainer since 7 years
  • Bachelors in Kinesiology

Pilates Instructor: Fernanda Tomasi

  • Certified Pilates Instructor since 3 years
  • Physical Therapist for 6 years
  • Master's degree in Cardiovascular Rehabilitation

Fusion Fitness Instructor: Sanober Hamid

Certified Instructor and MS Nutritionist,

Founder of Holistix Wellness

10+ years of experience

Location: MCA Maryam Hall

3003 Scott BIvd, Santa Clara, CA

Switching Classes Requests, Makeup Classes Requests, Cancellation & Refund Policy - Please read carefully!

Switching Classes Requests
Please stick to the Class Schedule you have registered for. Switching classes are subject to available space in the requested class schedule. If you think you will miss a class, you can switch with another participant and only after the switch gets approved, can you show up for the other class schedule. 

If the class is at capacity, we will not allow switching that class schedule.You MUST wait for approval to attend the switched class before attending. DO NOT SHOW UP TO A SWITCHED CLASS WITHOUT APPROVAL.  

Make-Up Classes

There will be NO makeup class. If you miss a class then you lose the class.

Cancellation &  Refund Policy

There will be NO refunds for missed classes.

All payments are non-refundable and will NOT be refunded. If for some reason you’re unable to make it, please try and find someone else to take your space.

If the classes are rescheduled, all purchases will be honored for the rescheduled class date or may be refunded in full. If the classes are canceled, all purchases will be refunded in full.

For questions please contact:


{{ key == 'null' ? '' : key}}

{{speaker.Prefix}} {{speaker.FirstName}} {{speaker.LastName}}
{{speaker.FirstName}} {{speaker.LastName}}


{{ key == 'null' ? '' : key}}

Frequently Asked Questions

{{faq.Question}} keyboard_arrow_right
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{{item.StartDate | date:'hh:mm a' }} - {{item.EndDate | date:'hh:mm a'}} {{item.TimeZoneName}}{{item.RoomName}}



{{sp.FirstName+' '}}{{sp.LastName}}
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{{eventInfo.TicketsTitle}} ({{eventInfo.RemainingTickets}} remain) Got Code?

Tickets are available for {{selectedVenue.VenueName}} for {{selectedDate.Description}}.
{{venue.VenueName}} {{date.Description}}

{{eventInfo.AccessPromoCode}}, code applied successfully.

{{ticket.SourcePriceText}} {{ticket.TypeName}} (+{{ticket.FeeText}} FEE)
{{ticket.VenueName}} {{ticket.StartDateFormatted}} {{ticket.DateInfoString1}}


This is a members-only ticket! Become a Member
{{item}} event_seat Pick Seats
Sold OUT
{{ticket.SoldQuantity}} Registered {{ticket.RemainingQuantity}} Remaining
{{cartDealMap.dealoff}} {{cartDealMap.dealdetails}}
{{cartDealMap.dealdesbold}} {{cartDealMap.dealdessmall}}
thumb_up {{cartDealMap.dealthumbsup}}
Total: {{eventInfo.TotalPriceText}}


Bundle Your Order And Save ?

Buy together and save money! We have exclusive deals to make your event experience more convenient, cheaper and fun.

format_list_bulleted{{Dealbox.Text}} deals list


Teams are subsets of attendees who collaborate in the event with each other. Each team has its own members. When an event attendee purchases a ticket, they are not automatically added to a team; each attendee must join a specific team within an event.


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