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IPRHFF Block 4

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Todos Humanos


  • Director: Rodrigo Sena
  • Writer: Rodrigo Sena and Carlos Segundo

What is invisible is not invisible thanks to your spiritual sensitivity.


  • Writer and Director: Farnoosh Abedi
  • Producer: Institute for the Intellectual Development of Children and Young Adults

In the land occupied with the Sprayers army, no one has the right to grow any kind of plants either in public or private. So many of the people and soldiers do not even know how a plant grows or look like, until one day one of the soldiers finds a seed buried deep down in the dust and his curiosity is just the beginning of something extraordinary, something big, something revolutionary.

Entre Guerra y Guerra:

  • Executive Producer: Valeria A Avina
  • Producer: Bettybelle Batista
  • Director: Valeria A Avina
  • Writer: Valeria A Avina

Roque en Los Pecosos embark on a journey to get Tala's garden back before she comes back.

Afuera La Bicicleta


  • Producer (George Carrillo*& Louis Rocky Bacigalupo)
  • Director (George Carrillo)
  • Writer (Original Work: David Beardsley) (Script Adaptation: George Carrillo)

After being frozen by his fear of failure, a young man's marriage is pushed to the breaking point. He must either rediscover his own confidence and self-worth, or risk losing everything under the weight of self-doubt.

Round and Round:

  • Producer: Alexandra C. Echavarri Lecároz*
  • Director: Alexandra C. Echavarri Lecároz*, Angelina Villapiano*
  • Writer: Luis D. Ramirez*, Miguel Balbi*, Jay Wallach & Alexandra C. Echavarri Lecároz*

Round & Round is an artsy music video about how love can drive you to do crazy, irrational things. How one creates an illusion of their partner. Making them feel like they have to be that perfect being without any flaws so that the eyes don't ever wander away from them. This creates a discord and irrationally makes us feel like we are going Round and Round staying within insanities walls because we only choose to look at the illusion we've created.


  • Writer/Director/Producer - Joshua Hernandez

A chronically ill dancer finds tranquility in nature while on a camping trip with their boyfriend. 

Your life, mine and theirs:
  • Producer: Ariana MelĂ©ndez Franco and Juan Pablo Aramburu Charneco 

  • Director: Ariana MelĂ©ndez Franco 

  • Writer: Ariana MelĂ©ndez Franco 

A beaten-down artist has writer’s block and must hand in a short story by midnight. As he starts to find uncanny inspirations in the corners of his own home, he begins to dissipate from life itself to later surrender to the process of creation, his craft and the short story. 


  • Written by - Rick “Wind” Herrera
  • Directed by - Alexandra “Cloud” Gutierrez and Rick “Wind” Herrera
  • Produced by - Alexandra “Cloud” Gutierrez

“DAD-rahpy” follows two Afro-Latino fathers who randomly meet on a bench at a children’s park.

FUEGO Short Film:

Producer/ Director / Writer - Edwin Franko

Recanting his search for his "Fuego," a bartender contemplates if he reignited a passion of his late father for salsa dancing or instead an unrequited love for Camila.

*NOTE: All Sales are final and there are no refunds.

*Students must present their school ID at Box Office to receive their discounted tickets.


{{ key == 'null' ? '' : key}}

{{speaker.Prefix}} {{speaker.FirstName}} {{speaker.LastName}}
{{speaker.FirstName}} {{speaker.LastName}}


{{ key == 'null' ? '' : key}}

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{{item.StartDate | date:'hh:mm a' }} - {{item.EndDate | date:'hh:mm a'}} {{item.TimeZoneName}}{{item.RoomName}}



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{{ticket.VenueName}} {{ticket.StartDateFormatted}} {{ticket.DateInfoString1}}


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thumb_up {{cartDealMap.dealthumbsup}}
Total: {{eventInfo.TotalPriceText}}


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