The Being Muslim Intensive workshop provides attendees with practical knowledge that can be applied and incorporated into our daily lives. Whether you are new to the religion or simply want to freshen up on the basics, the material is designed to deepen your connection to the most essential aspects of Islam through a holistic integration of the three branches of the religion: true beliefs (imān), good conduct (islām), and beauty of character (iḥsān).
This one-day intensive will cover a broad array of subjects including core theology, purification and prayer, the path of spiritual refinement, a survey of the life of the Prophet Muhammadصلى الله عليه وسلم, an introduction to the Qur’an, how to live an ethical Islam-centered lifestyle, and more. Students of all backgrounds are welcome. Attendees can purchase “Being Muslim: A Practical Guide” book at the event.
Speaker: Dr. Asad Tarsin - Author of the book: Being Muslim: A Practical Guide
Free childcare will be provided for children ages 3-10 (potty trained only)
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Frequently Asked Questions