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#IamSueCostello at Broadway Comedy Club on Wednesday, April 26th

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 #IamSueCostello at Broadway Comedy Club on Wednesday, April 26th

“At the risk of seeming excessive in praise of Costello, her one-person play, #IamSueCostello is the best combination of genuine poignance and rollicking humor, since the pioneering stage work of Lily Tomlin and early Whoopi Goldberg...” -Huffington Post



"She's wrangled her singular life into a searingly, honest & hilarious show that kind of makes sense of everything. " Taylor Schilling



“Sue Costello’s charismatic performance is mesmerizing as you march with her through her teenage years on the Dorchester streets through her life in New York and Hollywood.” - Colin Quinn


“Sue’s show was amazing, hilarious, dark and brutally honest, Run don’t walk to the theatre!

- Molly Shannon



New York City Feburary 7th, March 8th and 28th and April 26th - Sue Costello, acclaimed comic, actor and writer is set to bring her one-woman play #IamSueCostello to the Broadway Comedy Club’s newly renovated, gorgeous, cabaret and performance space, “The Red Room” upstairs from the Main room at the Broadway Comedy Club. room  The show will run for four dates 318 west 53rd street 212 5757575. Watch a preview here



Sue Costello, though best known as a brilliant comedian, created and performs this play solo, with extraordinary range. Sue plays herself at different periods in her life, on stage and she converses with real-life characters we can't see, but whose presence is as real and riveting as hers. What's especially striking about #IamSueCostello, is that it isn't simply a monologue about Sue’s life or a series of quick impressions, but part comedic performance, part-raw emotional saga.



There is nothing typical about #IamSueCostello. It's a heartfelt and humanly-hysterical journey through a woman's life. From her self doubting, painfully funny childhood in Boston, through her widely entertaining teenage adventures and epiphanies, Sue’s show allows us not only to relish her stand up abilities, but to understand the personal meaning behind her routines. It's one of those great glimpses behind the curtain of someone art that leaves you somehow feeling you understand more about the meaning of life. Sue doesn't pull any punches whether recalling the wild characters from her high school, taking us back stage at her stand up, or through her near misses as a star of her own sitcom.  As with all great comedy, in amongst the laughter there are tears. It's hard to say which is more gratifying.  



 Local Boston papers aren't simply championing a home-town girl, but heralding a major comedic and playwriting talent. The Boston Metro said “Not many people have the charisma, stamina, or the anecdotes to sustain a one and half hour show alone, Sue Costello does it sans props, costumes or music in the play.” The Boston Herald called the show “Powerful - thanks to Costello’s frank charisma and her ability to mingle humor with tragedy... It's the flipside of Costello's stand up act- too brutal and frank to be disposable as a night of jokes.” The Patriot Ledger mused that, “Costello rivets the audience with a comic’s gift for delivery and wit and an actress’ skill with emotion.”  


"Sue Costello is an incredible talent – I LOVED this show!" -Patricia Clarkson. Actor and comedian Kevin Nealon also commented, “Great characters, great writing and hilarious delivery. She is the next Whoopi….”  Actress Kristen Johnston said, "I left this show seething with jealousy and completely dazzled by Sue Costello's brilliant and agonizingly funny portrait of a young girl’s youth. It's an incredible story of survival, and the performance of a lifetime. I can't wait to see it again."





    “As a performer, Sue Costello is energetic and fearless.” The Boston Herald. “Sue Costello could light an entire city with energy”   


 Sue has appeared on countless television shows including "NYPD Blue,” and "Tough Crowd with Colin Quinn” on Comedy Central.  After starring in two TV pilots for CBS, Sue earned her very own self-titled television series, "Costello," in which she also served as a producer and the co-creator.  Sue was also a guest host on NBC's "Later,” performed on Comedy Central's "Premium Blend,” and made it to the finals of NBC’s “Last Comic Standing.” She has also been seen on "Comic's Unleashed" with Byron Allen.


 In addition to television appearances, Sue has also honed her performing skills on the stage and the big screen. Sue was cast in such films as "Southie" starring Donnie Wahlberg and directed by John Shea; "Once in the Life," with Laurence Fishburne; and “The Fighter” with Mark Wahlberg and Christian Bale, and directed by David O. Russell. She just filmed the movie The Witching Hour with William Fosythe and Michael Madsen and the movie “Best Man In The Dark” and the independent  film “Emerald City.


Sue's already extensive resume continues to grow, she performed with Mike O’Malley and Michael Birbiglia at the Nantucket Film Festival's Story-telling event last year, as well as this year with NPR.  She also shot her first music video with Jim Breuer this year. Sue performed "I Wasn't Trying to Be Funny"  in East Hampton and on Nantucket this summer. Sue has also appeared twice on Marc Maron’s Podcast WTF, “Live from Boston” episode 407 and you can listen to her single episode  172 here

Her interview will be included as one of the amazing talks in Marc Maron’s book about the 8 years of WTF the talk is about the play. Sue is a regular on the “ArtieQuitter Podcast” with Artie Lange and she also has her own weekly podcast  “The Kadoozie Kast" which can be found



  Tickets are $20 "Early Bird" up until 2 weeks prior, $25 after that online and $30 at the door and can be purchased at    




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