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5 Ways to Sustain Customer Excitement around your Events this Holiday Season

5 Ways to Sustain Customer Excitement around your Events this Holiday Season

Dec 03, 2021 Ayushi T

The Holidays are finally here! How can businesses sustain the excitement for customers all throughout and beyond this season? Sure, your holiday promotions will bring in customers. However, keeping them engaged will be challenging. Amidst all the holiday fun, have you thought about ways to retain customer enthusiasm? Well, you can sustain the excitement with Fireworks™ by Eventcombo - all it takes is a little planning.  

Check out these 5 simple tips to sustain excitement and engagement levels.  

1. A digital scavenger hunt 

A virtual event challenge is exciting and your customers are going to love you for this. Participants can virtually visit locations to get clues that enable them to obtain answers and win exciting prizes to fun questions. Create teams of customers and pit individuals against each other within a limited time frame. Enhance the fun with activities such as checking in to locations digitally, scanning QR codes to find missing items or joining multiple “hidden” virtual rooms. 

2. Gamification – to level up customer engagement 

Every job that needs to be done, can always have an element of fun! It leverages the desire of customers to compete, collect points in turn inspiring them to connect with the brand over a period of time. Gamification helps businesses engage in a fun way. 

 Award badges to customers who complete a certain number of tasks on time. Further, these customers can be awarded some additional discounts, access to certain services, content or be part of a certain community. Other options could be offering exclusive merchandise, limited time discounts or flash sales.  

3. A virtual talent show 

Want your customers to engage with your brand like never before? Why not host a virtual talent show! Allow customers to pick a talent ranging from gift wrapping skills, to sketching to singing or even dancing (or absolutely anything). Create your own version of America’s Got Talent.  

Customers can share their pre-recorded videos. Share their photography skills, or submit their pictures of art. These can revolve around holiday themes. Submissions can also be used as user generated content and be on the company’s social media channels too. The best submissions will get a chance to win exciting prizes, discounts or avail offers.  

4. Digital gifting for your customers  

Are there brands or specific campaigns that your business would like to promote? If yes, create virtual merchandise with coupons for a specific campaign in order to create a sharp recall among customers. The great benefit of a virtual gift like a coupon is that customers can redeem them right away. This immediate gratification will provide instant brand recall and add to customer delight.    

5. Keep engaging with your customers by creating a Community™   

Repeated positive interactions with your event attendees even after the event is over is challenging. However, if you use Community™ By Eventcombo to keep running regular programs, you can grow and sustain the excitement and engagement behind your promotions.  

Don’t wait, check out Community™ By Eventcombo right here!  

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