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Invest in the Disruption of Events on StartEngine

Invest in the Disruption of Events on StartEngine

Apr 09, 2021 Caroline Keane

April is financial literacy month, and with an extra $1,400 in your pocket, what better time to start investing? 

About Eventcombo

Eventcombo is a #SinglePlatform event management tool. From in-person to hybrid, to virtual events, Eventcombo uses cutting-edge technology that allows events of all shapes and sizes to be easily and quickly created. In 2020, Eventcombo launched Fireworks™ by Eventcombo, a robust virtual event platform. Fireworks is a one-stop-shop for the production of any virtual event or meeting with unlimited features.

Eventcombo Launched Public Fundraising Campaign

We decided to launch our fundraising offering to the public through the largest accredited crowdfunding platform in the United States, StartEngine. Through the offering, we’ve positioned an investment in Eventcombo to fund the future of events. We believe strongly that with all of the tools we’ve built, we stand best positioned to align with the maturity of the new event industry. Currently, the event market is estimated to be $1 Trillion in size and will grow to $2 Trillion by 2025. Eventcombo is planning to be at the forefront of this growth. The engineering and development at Eventcombo has innovated with outside-the-box thinking to introduce new concepts for the industry. For example, combining transportation (Uber, Lyft) and parking (ParkWhiz) into the ticket transaction. Additionally, introducing a virtual venue that is coupled with an entire event management suite. In a Covid-era world, Eventcombo is serving the needs of the industry as it prepares for a post-pandemic experience. We are creating technology, to bridge this transition of combining virtual and hybrid with in-person events. 

How to Start Investing 

The steps to invest in Eventcombo are simple. Check out our StartEngine campaign page and click to invest. 

This Seems Like a Good Opportunity, but Is Investing Right for Me?

When many people think of investing they think of wall street gurus and very rich men or women, but that’s changing. With StartEngine anyone with a credit card or debit card can invest. Currently, on Eventcombo’s StartEngine page, you only need to invest about a $250 minimum. This is a great starting point for anyone new to investing. However, if you’re already a pro, there are options for more substantial investments that offer more exclusive benefits. 

Benefits of Investing in Eventcombo

Eventcombo offers even more than just owning a portion of the company. The perks may vary depending on the investment level. Some benefits include 15% bonus shares, 4 Free Tickets per month for one year to an event of your choice ($200 ticket cap per ticket), options to host virtual events for free, and so much more! 

We look forward to having you join our investment team as we aim to grow this industry and shape its future.

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