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The Poetry Brothel Gets Sexy With Wording in Brooklyn

The Poetry Brothel Gets Sexy With Wording in Brooklyn

Mar 02, 2018 Dr. Kristina Smolenski Nelson

Poetry lovers that frequently attend poetry readings have probably, by now, seen many traditional experiences. However, sometimes it is enjoyable to go outside the box with our expectations, and if you are looking for an innovative experience with wording, then you’ll want to attend the Poetry Brothel’s event when their tour arrives in Brooklyn, NY. On Tuesday March 6th starting at 9 PM and ending at 12 PM, you have the chance to witness a unique poetry reading that mixes words with a bordello experience.

When Poetry Meets A Bordello

You’ve certainly never witnessed a poetry reading like this one before, and that makes this event quite enticing. The Poetry Brothel’s show starts out with the Madame of the bordello introducing different poets who each read poetry as they are also acting in character. You’ll witness poetry being read in a variety of interesting ways, including seeing the poets on beds, chairs, and even in private rooms. If you are impressed by a particular poet, then you’ll have the opportunity to pay for a private poetry session during the show to hear more. However, you’ll get to witness more than just poetry readings during the show. Focusing on the bordello theme, this show will also provide burlesque, vaudeville, live music, and much more.


The Poetry Brothel is currently on tour, and coming to Brooklyn, NY on Tuesday, March 6th. The show will be held at the House of Yes, with doors opening at 8 PM, and the show running from 9 PM until 12 PM. Remember to bring your ID with you, since you must be 21 or older to attend this event. Also, after you purchase your tickets, no refunds can be issued. Ticket prices are listed below.

  • General Admission. (Seating for this ticket is on a first come, first served basis). $40
  • VIP Admission. (Seating for this ticket is reserved front row seating. You’ll also get a tote bag from the event full of extras and two tokens you can use to get private poetry readings from the poets). $75

If you’d like to learn more about this event, or if you’d like to purchase tickets, please visit the Poetry Brothel’s website here.

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