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Support Local Film At The Midwest Independent Film Festival

Support Local Film At The Midwest Independent Film Festival

Jan 31, 2018 Dr Kristina Nelson

If you love catching the latest independent films to get a glimpse of talented up and coming filmmakers, then you won’t want to miss the Midwest Independent Film Festival, coming to Chicago’s Landmark Century Centre Cinema on the first Tuesday of each month. By attending this event, you’ll be able to support the only festival that promotes Midwest filmmakers and local talent, and you’ll also get to catch some great flicks that are sure to entertain you.

Promoting Local Talent

The Midwest Independent Film Festival is a year-round film festival that shoes movies on the first Tuesday of each month from February until October. The filmmakers contributing to the festival are all Midwest locals, and by attending, you’ll be able to support them in their goal to make it to the top. The Midwest Film Festival operates on a grant from the Illinois Arts Council, and works to promote the careers of these talented, new, local filmmakers.

On the first Tuesday of each month, you’ll have the chance to see the latest independent films, kicked off by a pre-show reception and a producer’s panel, followed by the movie. Once the movie is over, you’ll get to participate in an after-party. You’ll get to mix and mingle with the people involved with the film, ask questions, and make your own connections.


The festival shows films on the first Tuesday of each month, from February to October at the Landmark Century Centre Cinema in Chicago. Ticket prices for the Midwest Independent Film Festival can vary depending on what options you want to buy. Ticket prices are as follows:

  • General Admission: $10
  • Premium Reserved: $15

If you’d like to learn more about the Midwest Independent Film Festival, or to purchase tickets, please visit the event’s website here.

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