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Yaga's Entertainment’s Mardi Gras! Arrives In Galveston

Yaga's Entertainment’s Mardi Gras! Arrives In Galveston

Jan 31, 2018 Dr Kristina Nelson

If you’re ready to experience a beach style Mari Gras party, then you won’t want to miss the Mardi Gras! Galveston, one of the largest Mari Gras parties this country has to offer. You’ll be able to play on the beach while watching the beauty of the surroundings and experiencing plenty of parades and traditional revelry. From February 2nd until February 13th of this year, at Saengerfest Park. This popular party is expected to draw crowds of hundreds of thousands this year, and will be filled with great concerts, parades, parties, and balls.

Beads, Parades, Parties, And More

Of course, a Mardi Gras celebration would not be complete without beads, and to kick the party off, Mardi Gras! Galveston will toss over three million beads to the crowd. After the beads are thrown, you’ll be able to experience several live concerts, great parades, family fun, and plenty of other Mardi Gras styled entertainment.

The concerts you will get to witness will be filled with well-known names, like Sugar Ray and Stoney LaRue, both headlining performances. Plus, there will be plenty of Tejano music as well held in the Fiesta Gras area, and the headline performance there will be by La Mafia. And if the concerts aren’t enough to get you interested, you’ll also be able to participate in the Mardi Gras! Galveston Official 5K Run, enter into the Annual Zaniest Golf Cart Parade, and watch a bevy of great Mardi Gras Parades.

Ticket Prices

Ticket prices will vary depending on the type of tickets you decide to buy. The ticket prices are listed below.

  • Two-day weekend pass. General Admission. $24
  • Five-day pass. General Admission. $47

For more information on the event, please see the event’s website here.

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