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New York City’s Winter Film Awards Returns In February

New York City’s Winter Film Awards Returns In February

Jan 22, 2018 Dr Kristina Nelson

Film buffs everywhere will have the opportunity to come and experience one of the best film awards showcases around from February 22nd until March 3rd in New York City, with the return of the Winter Film Awards. This film award program will give you an overview of many of the best new filmmakers from across the globe and a bevy of genres. That means there will be something that everybody can enjoy at this film event.

A Variety Of Films

The Winter Film Awards will be showing ninety-three films total that cover all genres. Also, there will be discussion panels you can attend, free parties, and plenty of daily screenings. You’ll get a wide mix of film culture, since the awards promise to demonstrate documentaries, animated films, horror films, feature narratives, music videos, web series films, and narrative shorts.


New York City’s Winter Film Awards takes place from February 22nd until March 3rd in New York City. Ticket prices vary depending on the screenings you attend. We’ve listed prices below:

  • February 22nd: Welcome Party and Filmmaker’s Reception, Free.
  • February 23rd: All Screenings: $10 each
  • February 24th: All Screenings: $10 each
  • February 25th: All Screenings: $10 each
  • February 26th: 2 PM to 5 PM Screening: $5. 7:45 PM to 11:15 PM Screening: $10.
  • February 27th: All Screenings: $10 each
  • February 28th: 2 PM to 5 PM Screening: $5. 7:45 to 11:45 PM Screening: $10.
  • March 1st: All Screenings: $10 each.

If you’d like to learn more about the Winter Film Awards, or to purchase tickets, please visit their website here.

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