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Get Your Brew On At The 2018 Chicago Ale Fest

Get Your Brew On At The 2018 Chicago Ale Fest

Jan 05, 2018 Dr Kristina Nelson

Brew lovers everywhere get a chance to rejoice this year because the Chicago Ale Fest returns for its Winter 2018 edition at Chicago’s Navy Pier on January 20th. If you are a fan of beer, you won’t want to miss this exciting event, which aims to celebrate American Craft Beer and offers plenty of fun entertainment and excellent food.

The Best American Craft Beer

At the Chicago Ale Fest, you’ll get to experience some of the best American Craft Beer Chicago has to offer. The event will be held in the Grand Ballroom at Navy Pier. You’ll get to try over 150 American Craft Beers. Plus, there will be plenty of Chicago’s finest food trucks at the event, so bring some money with you if you want to eat at the event. Live entertainment will also be provided by a DJ, and you’ll have plenty of opportunities to socialize and have fun.

When you arrive at the event, you’ll be given twenty drink tickets that you can use at the event to exchange for a three-ounce sample of beer. If you want more than twenty drink tickets, you can purchase more at the price of fifty cents each.


Ticket prices vary depending on which session you decide to attend. The 2018 Chicago Ale Fest will be held in two sessions on January 20th. Purchasing tickets online will save you some money on ticket prices, but you can buy tickets at the gate. Just remember, you must be 21 and over to attend the event, and no refunds will be issued.

  • Session 1. Early Entry: 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM. $59 per ticket.
  • Session 1. General Admission: 12:00 PM to 3:00 PM. $49 per ticket.
  • Session 2. Early Entry: 5:00 PM to 9:00 PM. $59 per ticket.
  • Session 2. General Admission: 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM. $49 per ticket.

If you would like to learn more about this event, or purchase tickets, please feel free to visit the Chicago Ale Fest’s website here.

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Brew lovers everywhere get a chance to rejoice this year because the Chicago Ale Fest returns for its Winter 2018 edition at Chicago’s Navy Pier on January 20th. If you are a fan of beer, you won’t want to miss this exciting event, which aims to celebrate American Craft Beer and offers plenty of fun entertainment and excellent food.

The Best American Craft Beer

At the Chicago Ale Fest, you’ll get to experience some of the best American Craft Beer Chicago has to offer. The event will be held in the Grand Ballroom at Navy Pier. You’ll get to try over 150 American Craft Beers. Plus, there will be plenty of Chicago’s finest food trucks at the event, so bring some money with you if you want to eat at the event. Live entertainment will also be provided by a DJ, and you’ll have plenty of opportunities to socialize and have fun.

When you arrive at the event, you’ll be given twenty drink tickets that you can use at the event to exchange for a three-ounce sample of beer. If you want more than twenty drink tickets, you can purchase more at the price of fifty cents each.


Ticket prices vary depending on which session you decide to attend. The 2018 Chicago Ale Fest will be held in two sessions on January 20th. Purchasing tickets online will save you some money on ticket prices, but you can buy tickets at the gate. Just remember, you must be 21 and over to attend the event, and no refunds will be issued.

  • Session 1. Early Entry: 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM. $59 per ticket.
  • Session 1. General Admission: 12:00 PM to 3:00 PM. $49 per ticket.
  • Session 2. Early Entry: 5:00 PM to 9:00 PM. $59 per ticket.
  • Session 2. General Admission: 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM. $49 per ticket.

If you would like to learn more about this event, or purchase tickets, please feel free to visit the Chicago Ale Fest’s website here.

Create An Event With Us Today!

Create an event with EventCombo. It takes less than 5 minutes. We are always here to help you with all of your events. To learn more about great events, festivals, venues, and much more, then stay with us here at EventCombo.  

festivals, venues, and much more, then stay with us here at EventCombo.  

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