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Get Magical With Peter Pan At Musical Theatre Works

Get Magical With Peter Pan At Musical Theatre Works

Dec 11, 2017 Dr Kristina Nelson

This year, you can enjoy a little holiday escape with the story of Peter Pan, presented at Musical Theatre Works from December 23rd until January 1st. If you could use some magic and entertainment in your life, then there’s no better story than this classic, which is sure to provide you with a great time.

A Magical Journey

For decades, generations of people have known Peter Pan as the boy who doesn’t want to grow up. His adventures include his friends the Lost Boys and his fairy friend Tinkerbell, and the traditional story features him trying to save three of his friends, Wendy, John, and Michael, from the clutches of Peter Pan’s enemy, Captain Hook. You’ll get to see all the fun flying generated by mystical pixie dust as the children fly through the stars. You’ll see a 26-piece orchestra perform several of the classic songs from the tale, like “I Won’t Grow Up,” “I’m Flying,” “I Gotta Crow,” and “Neverland.”

Tickets And Schedule

This musical show will provide you with plenty of fun for the whole family, and tickets cost $24.50 to $34.50. Tickets for children 25 and younger cost half price. The show times are as follows:

Saturday, December 23rd, 2 PM

Tuesday, December 26th at 2 PM

Wednesday, December 27th at 2 PM

Friday, December 29th at 8 PM

Saturday, December 30th at 2 PM and 8 PM

Sunday, December 31st at 2 PM and 8 PM

Monday, January 1st at 2 PM

If you want to learn more about the Music Theatre Works presentation of Peter Pan, please visit their website here.

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