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Boo! At The LA Zoo This October

Boo! At The LA Zoo This October

Oct 09, 2017 Dr Kristina Nelson

This fall, The Los Angeles Zoo and Botanical Gardens is hosting its “Boo at the Zoo” event from October 1st-31st, which promises to offer plenty of scary, good old-fashioned Halloween fun for both you and your children. The “Boo at the Zoo” event plans to offer several fun activities that the entire family can enjoy.

Costumes And Scares

“Boo at the Zoo” gives you the opportunity to experience fun activities and events each day, full of scary adventures and good laughs. You and your family will get to see puppet shows, special animal feedings, and fun pumpkin carving events. And, of course, both you and your children are encouraged to wear costumes each time you visit the zoo in October.

Weekly Activities

“Boo at the Zoo” will feature a fun Nocturnal Adventure Maze that forces you and your children to answer questions posed about night-roaming creatures to find your way out. Plus, you can also have fun with pictures with their poster photo ops. Children also can experience the L.A.I.R., which is a showcase of rare snakes, poisonous frogs, and venomous lizards. You can also touch and pet some creepy animals in a scary petting zoo adventure. All of these activities take place seven days a week.

Weekend Activities

On the weekends, you can experience a fun puppet show about a mad scientist trying to create a friend to go trick-or treating with him, pumpkin carving, and some fearsome feedings of scary animals. On October 28th and 29th, your child can also experience a good time trick-or-treating at the zoo.

For more information on “Boo at the Zoo,” please visit their website here.

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