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Get In The Mood For Halloween With Mable’s 6 Feet Under Haunted Hotel

Get In The Mood For Halloween With Mable’s 6 Feet Under Haunted Hotel

Oct 09, 2017 Dr Kristina Nelson

From October 6th to November 4th of this year, from Wednesday through Sunday each week and on Halloween, those of you who will be near the Anaheim Business Expo Center can enjoy a good scare with Mable’s 6 Feet Under Haunted Hotel. You’ll find this attraction across the street from Disneyland, and it’s Halloween attractions are just as fun as anything you’ll find in that amusement park.

Get Lost In A Maze Full Of Scares

Mable’s 6 Feet Under Haunted Hotel comes with a classic ghost backstory, with a little girl named Mable found haunting the hotel to keep her visitors with her, forever. Mable has other ghosts helping her, and the staff at the hotel is also full of the undead who want you to remain their guests for all eternity.

The hotel features a maze you can get lost in, and each time you think you’re getting out of the maze, Mable and her friends will try to trick you to get you back into their clutches. The maze and the hotel feature many impressive animatronics and other fun features that will keep you scared and trying to find your way out.

Hours Of Fun For A Good Cause

With the fun of the maze and the hotel, you’ll have a lot of fun with your child if you enjoy a good scare together. Plus, part of the proceeds made from Mable’s 6 Feet Under Haunted Hotel are donated to Building Occupational Opportunities (BOO), which helps give job training in theater and construction for underprivileged adults. Not only will you have a scary good time, but you’ll also be donating to a good cause.

For more information on Mable’s 6 Feet Under Haunted Hotel, please visit their website here.

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