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Enjoy Ballet At The New York City Center

Enjoy Ballet At The New York City Center

Oct 02, 2017 Dr Kristina Nelson

If you love ballet, fairy tales, or both, then you won’t want to miss The Red Shoes ballet, a performance based on the Academy Award-winning film appearing at the New York City Center from October 26th to November 5th.  The classic story of one girl’s aspiration to become the best dancer in the world, the classic fairytale is lined with obsession, possession, and a story that generations of people have enjoyed and loved.

A Classic Performance

The two-hour ballet The Red Shoes was adapted by Matthew Bourne, who has also brought both Swan Lake and Sleeping Beauty to the dance stage in the past. Bourne’s rendition of The Red Shoes has won two Olivier Awards, and promises to be a classic performance you’ll remember for a lifetime. Terry Davies arranged the new score, adapting the original music of Hollywood composer Bernard Herrmann. The beautiful sets and costumes were designed by Lez Brotherston, with Paul Constable handling lighting and Paul Groothuis doing the sound.

The Fairy-Tale Story

Bourne’s adaptation of The Red Shoes tells the story of Victoria Page, a girl who loves to dance, but her desire to become the greatest dancer in the world also creates a fight between two men who drive her passion. Ashley Shaw, a dancer from New Adventures, stars as Victoria Page for the premiere, and New York City Ballet principal dancer Sara Mearns makes her debut as a guest star and alternate in the role. The role of composer Julian Craster is played by American Ballet Theatre principal dancer Marcelo Gomes and New Adventures dancer Dominic North. Boris Lermontov is played by Sam Archer.

Bourne’s rendition of The Red Shoes has already been shown in London and sold-out in shows across the UK. Now, the ballet is coming to New York this fall. Tickets cost $35 per person. For more information on The Red Shoes, please visit the New York City Center’s website here.

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