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Celebrate Art And Creativity With Chihuly Nights In The Bronx This October

Celebrate Art And Creativity With Chihuly Nights In The Bronx This October

Oct 02, 2017 Dr Kristina Nelson

Art lovers can experience a spectacular exhibition of Dale Chihuly’s art every Thursday-Saturday night this October at the New York Botanical Gardens in Bronx, NY. Chihuly’s art will allow you to experience his luminous use of color combined with elements of drama. While you take your fill of artwork, you also get the opportunity to enjoy live music, shop, and grab a bite to eat.

Meet Dale Chihuly

Chihuly Nights focuses on the art work of American artist Dale Chihuly, who uses ice, glass, water, and neon to create translucent pieces of art that capture the imagination. Dale Chihuly is well-known worldwide for his projects designed specifically for the sites he installs his art work into. Chihuly’s work often appears in public areas, but he also presents his work at museum exhibitions across the globe.

While you site see and enjoy the beauty of Chihuly’s artwork, you have the opportunity to wander over to the Visitor Center Plaza. At the Visitor Center Plaza, you’ll find several live performing artists and musicians ready to entertain you. Also, shopping and food will be available for guests that want to purchase other items, and Avion Tequila cocktails are also on hand for those wanting a tasty beverage.

Ticket Prices

Ticket prices vary depending on membership. If you want to become a member of the Chihuly Night event, you can sign-up here.

Non-Member Pricing
Adults: $38
Children (2–12): $18
Children under 2: Free

Member Pricing
Member Adults: $28
Member Children (2–12): $13
Children under 2: Free

For more information on the event, or to purchase tickets, you can visit the Chihuly Nights website here.

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