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Best Halloween Events To Attend In Chicago

Best Halloween Events To Attend In Chicago

Sep 18, 2017 Dr Kristina Nelson

Halloween is no longer just a day for children, or a night filled with trick-or-treating. If you’re going to be in or around Chicago near Halloween this year, there are plenty of fun-filled adult and family events you can enjoy. So, get your costume ready, and start planning out your Halloween night-on-the-town. We’ve got the skinny on the best Halloween events to attend in Chicago this year.

The Halloween Gathering Festival And Parade

Now in its second year, the Halloween Gathering Festival and Parade promises to be an entertaining event full of things both adults and children can enjoy. On October 22nd, along the Chicago Cultural Mile, you’ll get to experience a parade, music performances, and a day-long event filled with excellent entertainment. Everything you can imagine will be present at this festival, including acrobatic performances, a dance party, and tarot card readings. Plus, attending this event is totally free.

Halloween at Navy Pier

If both you and your children love fireworks, then you won’t want to miss Navy Pier’s version of festive Halloween fireworks, happening October 29th at 9:20 PM. However, the fireworks are just one of the many fun activities that will happen over this six-day Halloween event. Starting on October 22nd, you and the kids can watch “Hotel Transylvania,” start trick-or-treating on the pier on October 23rd, and experience the Amazing Chicago Maze on October 28th. From October 29th-31st, a fun combination of Halloween events will also be in full swing.

Northalsted Halloween Parade

The streets of Boystown in Lakeview will be festive on October 31st, as crowds will line the streets in costumes to view the yearly parade. This year’s theme is Scream, Queen! Alongside the parade during the day, there will be a festival where both kids and pets are welcome to attend.

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