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Feel Great With A Yoga Wine Party

Feel Great With A Yoga Wine Party

Jul 28, 2017 Victoria Vogt

Yoga instructor, Dina Ivas is a certified vinyasa yoga teacher with over 10 years of experience leading group and private classes. Yoga Wine Party was started by two wine- loving-yoginis, Dina Ivas and Liz Howng. Dina and Liz offer guests the perfect experience: a yoga class followed by a wine tasting.

Come Party With Some Yoga 

We all know yoga is relaxing but how about you try it with a glass of wine! Start with a feel- good yoga with all levels channeled by a tasting of six premium wines. Learn how to taste red and white wines. This is a perfect girl’s day! If you love wine and yoga, check it out, on Saturday, September 9th, 2017 from 1:00PM to 4:00PM at Yo Yoga. All guests must be 21+ in order to attend this event. Don’t forget your mat but in case you do you can rent one at the place. Come have some fun with wine and yoga.

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