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Restaurants With Live Music For A Liberating & Romantic Night Out In NYC

Restaurants With Live Music For A Liberating & Romantic Night Out In NYC

Jul 06, 2017 Victoria Vogt

Enjoy a romantic night out in NYC with your loved one or with your new hot date. Enjoy great food, company, and live music on your very special night. Enjoy different kinds of food from Italian to Cuban. We have selected a number of dimly lit, romantic places to eat in the cities that also have live music for you to enjoy with your partner. Check them out:

Le Fanfare

Le Fanfare NYC

Le Fanfare located in Brooklyn on Manhattan Avenue offers casual Italian fare and craft cocktails and frequent live musical acts on the weekends. Enjoy Live music performances by the Italian Surf Academy, Marc Dane and The Gypsy Jazz Caravan, Felix Slim, The New Moon and Blues Band and so much more! Enjoy tasty cocktails and a delicious dinner on your special night out.

Flatiron Room

Flatiron Room NYC

The Flatiron room is a classy nightspot with a vintage vibe housing a collection of 750+ brown spirits and live jazz shows. The Flatiron Room is an upscale parlor where guests can relax with like minded people and share food and great live entertainment. Enjoy dinner in an unrushed atmosphere. The atmosphere in Flatiron is second to none. The Flatiron has live musical acts almost daily. Enjoy live music by Hot Club of Flatbush, Kate Curran and the Rogues, Kristiana Roemer and much more! Come experience a romantic night out at the Flatiron with jazz music and relaxing vibes.

Havana Social

Havana Social NYC

Havana Social offers Cuban tapas and plates plus cocktails and regular live music in a vibrant setting. Experience the hottest Cuban fusion restaurant in NYC located in the heart of Hell’s Kitchen. Enjoy Live Cuban Jazz by the trio group that  plays on the first Thursday of every month. Enjoy the nice ambiance with calming music being played in the background with lighting on the darker side.

La Lanterna di Vittorio

La Lanterna di Vittorio NYC

There are dozens and maybe even hundreds of Italian cafes in New York, but its so hard to choose the best. La Lanterna, however, is markedly different because of its very romantic charm. La Lanterna di Vittorio is a lantern- lit indoor garden with live jazz music that complement the light Italian fare. La Lanterna’s Greenwich Village neighborhood is almost a second little Italy. Experience the romantic feel at this village the Italian way.

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