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Sounds Like Heaven To Me, The Texas Taco Music Festival in Houston!

Sounds Like Heaven To Me, The Texas Taco Music Festival in Houston!

Jun 23, 2017 Victoria Vogt

Let's Taco Bout It

Take your favorite tacos to a different level at the Texas Taco Music Festival in Houston, Texas on Saturday, September 16, 2017. The Taco Festival is a Cheita project supporting arts programs and education. The three block celebration of delicious tacos is an all day event and will host a taco throw down, live bands, cooking demonstrations, contests, crafts, demonstration booths, mechanical bull, piñata breaking, Latin culture and much more! Experience live performances benefitting cultural arts programs by Danzantes de Voladeros Papantla, Mexico. Sit down, relax and enjoy delicious tacos and listen to live music by Mind Shrine, #43, and Jimencio Castillon and many more to still be announced, so keep a look out.

There’s nothing better than tacos and a side of salsa and guac! Enjoy a different variety of tacos at the Texas Taco Music Festival this September along with live bands and the great Houston community.

Ticket Info

Don't miss out. Buy tickets for the Taco Music Festival at Discovery Green in Houston right here on EventCombo. 

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