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Virtual event with Perez Hilton/TMI

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Virtual event with Perez Hilton/TMI
Join Anderson's Bookshops for a virtual event with Perez Hilton to celebrate his new memoir, TMI: My Life in Scandal!

Please note that we can only ship to US addresses!  Please choose the ticket that includes shipping if you would like your book mailed to you.

More about the book:

TMI is the memoir of Mario Lavandeira and how he became Perez Hilton, a celebrity blogger with millions of readers around the globe. Growing up in Miami’s Little Havana in the 1980s, Perez was bullied at school because of his weight and his sexual orientation, so he devoted all his free time to eating and watching TV in his bedroom. A scholarship to NYU was a lifesaver, as Perez felt at home in New York. But his finances took a battering, and he moved on to L.A. After being fired from three different jobs within the space of ten months, Perez suddenly hit it big in 2005 with his gossip blog. With Perez’s help, many promising young artists reached the masses: Katy Perry, Adele, Amy Winehouse, and Lady Gaga, to name just a few. Perez soon became a Hollywood insider, but during his dramatic fallout with Lady Gaga he realized that he had been used.

Perez admits his popular blog became increasingly mean—it “went from bitchy to downright nasty,” he recalls. But a turning point came when he uploaded a video for the It Gets Better campaign and was surprised by the backlash it received. People called him a bully and a hypocrite because he previously outed gay celebrities. Perez was forced to reevaluate not only his alter ego but also himself as a person. Following the birth of his son, he was also faced with a number of new opportunities for growth and personal reflection. TMI reveals the man behind the blog in a revealing, heartfelt, and juicy memoir.

About the authors
Perez Hilton is a celebrity gossip blogger, known and hated from coast to coast. Leif Eriksson and Martin Svensson have written several autobiographies for international celebrities, including UFC star Alexander Gustafsson’s The Mauler and Samantha Fox’s bestseller Forever.


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