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Deidre McCalla

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St Tim's Coffeehouse
(a 6-concert series starting September 9, 2023 and finishing April 13, 2024)


Deidre McCalla

We hope you will join us on
Saturday, April 13, 2024
Doors open at 6:30 PM. Music begins at 7:00 PM

" of our generation's most important singer-songwriters..." 

Sing Out!

"I was blown away by Deidre's performance. Powerful artist!" 

— Ron Olesko, WFDU-FM

"...stirring songs that celebrate resilience and the power of the human spirit alongside relatable songs about the human experience: love, family, parenthood and loss..." 

— Americana UK 

Deidre McCalla doesn’t merely take the stage - she owns it. Her songs embody hope and celebration, struggle, loss, and longing - sometimes all in one song!

Deidre McCalla - Black woman, mother, lesbian, feminist - has long been in the forefront of Black musicians redefining the understanding of how Black folk do folk. Deidre is riding high on her current release ENDLESS GRACE which dominated the June 2022 Folk Radio Charts as the #1 release Album with the #1 Song - Shoulder To The Wheel and the #3 Song - I Do Not Walk This Path Alone.  It finished for the year as the #13 Top Album. The Folk Alley Favorite's Poll ranked ENDLESS GRACE among the 10 Best Folk albums for 2022. In 2023, Deidre's song, Shoulder To The Wheel won the 19th Annual International Acoustic Music Award for Best Folk/Americana/Roots song.

Deidre McCalla learned at an early age that life begins with an acoustic guitar and her songwriting reveals an unyieldingly honest perspective expressed with a lyric touch that relentlessly celebrates the power and diversity of the human spirit.

The Austin-American Statesmen describes her as a highly distinctive voice in a crowded field of contemporary folk music. With five independent albums to her credit, Deidre McCalla has touched audiences from Maui to Maine, church basements and college coffeehouses to Carnegie Hall. 

Deidre McCalla's first Olivia Records album Don’t Doubt It is included in the LGBT Collection at the Smithsonian Institution's Museum of American History and listed by Ms Magazine as one of 25 Classic Women’s Music Albums.

Doors open at 6:30 PM. Music starts at 7:00 PM.
Come - be a part of the LIVE STUDIO AUDIENCE!
The format: 7:00-7:30 PM warm-up, break, 8:00 PM -9:00 PM uninterrupted broadcast.
This concert will be available in-person at St Tim's Coffeehouse, on WFMT 98.7FM at 8PM,
and livestream from anywhere in the world!

Upcoming concerts:

September 14, 2024 Gina Forsyth
October 12, 2024 Jim & Susie Malcolm
November 9, 2024 Sons of the Neverwrong


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St Tim's Coffeehouse

St Tim's Coffeehouse

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