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The Camellia Festival Arrives For Old Fashioned Shopping And Fun In Temple City

The Camellia Festival Arrives For Old Fashioned Shopping And Fun In Temple City

Feb 13, 2018 Dr Kristina Nelson

If you’re looking for something inexpensive and enjoyable to entertain yourself with, you might want to attend one of the best festivals in Southern California. Temple City’s Camilla Festival is returning this year to offer you plenty of old-fashioned shopping and fun starting on Friday, February 23rd at 8 AM and ending on February 25th at 5 PM.

A Festival That Benefits Local Children

Temple City’s Camellia Festival was created to inspire children to be active members in their local community. Part of the proceeds from the festival are used to better the community, and this year’s charity will go to help children in the community. An annual event since 1944, the Camellia Festival is a very popular event, and will offer you plenty of entertainment and enjoyment.

At the Camellia Festival, you’ll be able to witness a colorful parade and attend an all-you-can eat breakfast. The festival will also be holding a carnival during the three-day event, and while you will need cash to participate, you’ll know that the proceeds will be donated to help the local youth population. Also, you’ll be able to witness plenty of free live entertainment so that you can enjoy music and other types of performances.

Dates And Times

This year’s Camellia Festival takes place at Temple City Park, kicking off on Friday, February 23rd at 8 AM and ending on February 25th at 5 PM. There will be plenty of fun to experience, including a parade and a wonderful all-you-can eat affordable breakfast. The price for attending the Camilla Festival is free, although the breakfast does require a small fee.

On Saturday, February 24th, you can experience the Kiwanis Club of Temple City’s 21st Annual Pancake Breakfast at the Amida Society. You’ll get to enjoy pancakes, sausage, and scrambled eggs and a choice of either juice or coffee as a beverage. The breakfast will be all you can eat, and costs $6 per adult and $3 per child. The breakfast starts at 7 AM and ends at 10 AM. Proceeds from the Kiwanis Club of Temple City’s breakfast will be donated to help the youth of the community.

After the breakfast, you’ll have the opportunity to enjoy the Camilla Festival Parade on Saturday, February 24th, which starts at 10 AM. The parade will take place on Las Tunas Drive, located between Sultana and Camellia.

For more information about the Camellia Festival, please visit their website here. Or you can visit the Camellia Festival’s Facebook page here.

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