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Monolithic Dome Institute Tours Will Help Get You Educated

Monolithic Dome Institute Tours Will Help Get You Educated

Nov 20, 2017 Dr Kristina Nelson

If you’re interested in going green and learning more about efficient energy resources, then you might enjoy visiting one of the Monolithic Dome Institute Tours, opening November 20th and available from 10 AM to 4 PM Monday-Friday. The tours take place at the Monolithic Dome Institute in Italy, Texas, and are sure to help educate you about how domes help conserve energy.

What Are Monolithic Domes?

Monolithic Domes are designed for both personal and private use, and offer strong, energy-efficient, and affordable resources for alternative energy. Currently, the parent company of Monolithic Dome Institute is headed up by a primary company known as Crenosphere, Monolithic Constructors, Inc, who both designs and constructs Monolithic Domes for many individuals and companies.

With the goal of building greener structures and better preserving the environment, the company continues to research new ways to make the world better and more energy-efficient, including performing research into clean water, wind energy, and food growth. The Monolithic Dome Institute exists to help promote the concept of Monolithic Domes and to better educate the community about how they can help improve the environment.

The Monolithic Dome Tour

The Monolithic Dome Tour will walk you through the Institute so you have the opportunity to see many different dome structures, how they work to save energy, and how they are made. The tour takes you through about 2700 square feet of the Institute, and will help educate you so you understand the importance of Monolithic Domes. Plus, the tour is free to experience, so it won’t burn a hole in your pocket book.

For more information on the Monolithic Dome Tour, please visit their website here.

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